Friday, 16 March 2012

The Rape that goes silent

A goal of students for the Congo is to make people aware the problems of the Congo. One of them is the problem of rape. It isn't safe to be a woman or girl in the Congo because rape is used as a weapon. If you are a woman or girl, you would probably feel disgusted and utterly scared for them.

Video: The Greatest Silence: Rape in The Congo

Being a girl myself, I feel disgusted by the soliders. They are supposed to help them through the tough times and yet, they are abusing the use of guns and overpowering poor women and girls. These poor women have forgotton to trust men and have happiness in the Congo. Help break the silence by spreading the word! You can also help and sponser a rape survivor in the Congo, here.

"What is a woman? The woman is a mother of a nation. He who rapes a woman, rapes an entire nation."- quote from video.

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